Exercise - to find examples of camera angles used to create atmosphere or alter the meaning of a scene or shot. Consider whether the angle affects:
- viewpoint
- releationship
- status
- suspense
- mood
High angle shots more the scene more dynamic and exciting than eye level shots. The character seems less powerful and significant, there may be some threat from a bigger force.
Subjective shot. From the point of view of the camera. Looking down on the the character in the shot. There is a suggestion of lower status in the character. He is swamped by newspapers, and there is an expectation of action. However, there is a mood of stalemate in this shot, through the stance of the character.
Objective shot. Here there is no-one else in the room, but the camera is looking down on the girl. It creates a tension, suggesting that something will happen to her that is beyond her control. Something from outside the window perhaps? We feel worried for her, and the mood is scary.
Subjective shot. The character is looking up at the camera character. Even though he has a gun he appears vulnerable, lower status. There is the suggestion of action from above and he is needing to defend himself.
Here the character is looking down on action on the street. There is a sense that the camera is in the know about something about to happen to the people on the ground. Those on the ground seem more vulnerable.
In low angle shots the character seems more powerful, the sense of threat is more likely to come from within the scene, possibly from the characters themselves.
Here the three characters appear strong and contained, but the low angle gives a sense of threat from within the group itself - possibly from the dogs.
This school, shot from below, gives a sense of the sinister - evil, madness, horror? There is a mood of anticipation.
Here, the character is given a higher status by this low angle. He looks down on the audience, he preaches to them. His smile may not be altogether honest. There is an overbearing feel to the character.
In contrast to the high angle shot above of the man with the gun, this character with a knife is in control. There is a definite feel of danger from this character.
Likewise in this shot. The man with the gun is all powerful. Even the man with his back turned appears more powerful.
At eye level, the scene seems quite 'normal'. The action is fairly flat and the angle itself gives very little away.
Here there is a sense of equilibrium - Of the two men belonging in the location. A stroll. A slow pace, a quiet discussion.
Again, the characters here are all at the same level - eye level - and there is no sense of threat. A song for pleasure.
At eye level, this character poses no threat, nor does he seem to be in danger from any outside force. Informative. A content mood.
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